CHAPTER 3. Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 제목 1 к тексту, который должен здесьотображаться.3-4 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.Following boards are mounted on the slots according to the configuration of the OfficeServ7200.Table 3.5 Functional BoardsFunction ControlBoardBoardsMain Control Part MP20 - Basic cabinet: MP20 (Option Board: RCM2, MIS, CRM,IRM, MODEM)- Expansion cabinet: LCPMP20S - Basic cabinet: MP20S (Option Board: MODEM)Voice Trunk Line MP20 TEPRIa, 8TRK, 8TRK2, 16TRK, 4HTRK (only China)4BRI (except USA)MP20S TEPRIa, 8TRK, 8TRK2, 16TRK, 4HTRK (only China)UNI (Option Board: 2BRM and 4TRM)Voice Station MP20 8SLI2, 8SLI3, 8DLI, 8COMBO2, 8COMBO3, 16SLI2, 16SLI3,16MWSLI, 16DLI2MP20S 8SLI2, 8SLI3, 8DLI, 8COMBO2, 8COMBO3, 16SLI2, 16SLI3,16MWSLI, 16DLI2 and UNI (Option Board: 4DLM, 4SL2 and4SLM)Data MP20 WIM (option board: WIMD), LIM, PLIM, PLIM2, GPLIMT,GSIMTMP20S LIM, PLIM, PLIM2Voice Application MP20 MGI16 (no option board), OAS, CNF24MP20S OAS, CNF24VMS MP20 SVMi-20E, SVMi-20iCommon Resource(MFR, CID, R2)MP20 CRM, RCM2, IRMMP20S EmbeddedPower, Fan MP20,MP20SPSU, Fan,Ringer (Italy, Australia only)Checking SlotsThe WIM can only be mounted on slot 1 of the basic and expansion cabinets, andthe 4BRI, and TEPRIa can only be mounted on slots 3, 4 and 5 of the basiccabinet and slot 3 of the expansion cabinet. The 2BRM can only be mounted onslots 1, 2 of the basic cabinet.