CHAPTER 3. Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения 제목 1 к тексту, который должен здесьотображаться.3-18 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. PLIMPLIM (PoE LAN Interface Module) can use an internal rectifier or an external rectifier.Select the power supply source via shunt pins.Jumper Setting For Internal RectifierConnect shunt pins (J1, 2 and 3) between pin 1 and 2.Since the capacity is limited to the capacity of the PSU, up to 16-port are availableand the use of digital phones is also limited. (For details about the limitation of digitalphone under the PLIM port, contact to After-Sales service center). For External RectifierConnect shunt pins (J1, 2 and 3) between pin 2 and 3.Since the external rectifier can supply 10 A via a module, the use of the rectifier is notlimited.Limit the PLIM port current and the PLIM board current to 0.1 A and 1.6 Arespectively.Each jumper is named as 1, 2 and 3 from the pin with the mark of ‘1’ in turn.Figure 3.15 Setting the jumpers of PLIMPin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8RJ-45 Rx+ Rx- Tx+ RTN RTN Tx- -48 V -48 V-48 V and RTN are the return ground of -48 V.J11J2 J31 1