Understanding the copy screen1126. Copying2Advanced tab• Original Size: Selects the actual paper size of the originals.• Original Orientation: Selects the orientation of the originals.• ID Copy: Prints 2-sided originals on one sheet of paper. This feature is helpful forcopying a small-sized item, such as a business card (see "ID card copying" on page 116).• N-Up: Prints 2 or more original images, reduced to fit onto one sheet of paper.• Booklet: Allows you to create booklets.• Book Copy: Allows you to copy the left or/and right pages of book on separateoutput paper.• Watermark: Allows you to print a watermark on printouts.• Stamp: Allows you to print with some information such as date and time.• Build Job: After the scanning is finished, the Scan More Pages window appearsto ask if you want to scan another page. If you select Yes, then you can scananother page in the current job. If you select No, then the scanning process iscompleted and the remainder of the job is performed.3Image tab• Original Type: Improves the copy quality by selecting the original’s type forthe current copy job.• Adjust Background: Prints an image with a lighter background.• Erase Backside Image: Prevents copying the original’s image shownthrough on the backside.• Erase Edge: Allows you to erase spots, drill holes, fold creases and staple marksalong any of the four edges of a document .