Scanning and sending through email1307. Scanning• Add to Address: Allows you to add an email address in the Recentresults to the Address Book.• Delete: Allows you to delete an email address in the Recent results. Pressthe email address you want to delete. Then press Delete.7 Set the scan quality by Duplex and Resolution.8 Press the (Start) button to scan and send the file.If an original is placed on the scanner glass, the machine shows thewindow asking if you want to place another page. Load another originaland press Yes. When you finish, press No on this window.3Printing an email confirmation reportYou can set the machine to print a report whether an email transmission issuccessfully completed or not.If a report contains characters or fonts that the machine does not support,Unknown could be printed instead of the characters/fonts in the report.1 Press Machine Setup > Application Settings > Scan to Email Settingsfrom the display screen.2 Press the appropriate option in Print Confirmation Report.• Always: Always prints a confirmation report whether an emailtransmission is successfully completed or not.• Never: Never prints a confirmation report.• On Errors Only: Prints a confirmation report only when an emailtransmission is not successful.3 Press to go back to the previous screen.