Machine setup24412. Menu Overview and Advanced FeaturesHTTPS Settings Select Off to disable HTTPS.IPSec Select Off to disable IPSec.802.1x You can enable 802.1x authentication, which is a port-based authentication. If this authentication is enabled,the machine is not allowed to access through theprotected side of the network until the machine isauthorized. Use this feature to protect your network.• EAP-MD5: Offers minimal security. The MD5 hashfunction is vulnerable to dictionary attacks, anddoes not support key generation.• PEAP: Recommended for users who only intend touse Microsoft desktop clients and servers. For otherusers, it is not recommended.• EAP-MSCHAPv2: EAP-MSCHAPv2 provides two-way authentication between peers by combining apeer Challenge message with the Response packetand an authenticator Response message on theSuccess packet.• TLS: This is used to provide secure communicationover the Internet between a client and server.Option DescriptionAccounting • No Accounting: Select not to use this feature.• Standard Accounting: Select to use the installedjob accounting method.• SyncThruAaProvier: Select to use the jobaccounting method provided by the SyncThru™Web Admin Service (For detailed information, referto the SyncThru™ Web Admin Service guide).a. This feature may not be available depending on models or option kits installed.Option Description