Glossary372GlossaryDHCPA Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client-server networkingprotocol. A DHCP server provides configuration parameters specific to the DHCPclient host requesting, generally, information required by the client host toparticipate on an IP network. DHCP also provides a mechanism for allocation ofIP addresses to client hosts.DIMMDual Inline Memory Module (DIMM), a small circuit board that holds memory.DIMM stores all the data within the machine like printing data, received fax data.DLNAThe Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) is a standard that allows devices ona home network to share information with each other across the network.DNSThe Domain Name Server (DNS) is a system that stores information associatedwith domain names in a distributed database on networks, such as the Internet.Dot Matrix PrinterA dot matrix printer refers to a type of computer printer with a print head thatruns back and forth on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soakedcloth ribbon against the paper, much like a typewriter.DPIDots Per Inch (DPI) is a measurement of resolution that is used for scanning andprinting. Generally, higher DPI results in a higher resolution, more visible detailin the image, and a larger file size.DRPDDistinctive Ring Pattern Detection. Distinctive Ring is a telephone companyservice which enables a user to use a single telephone line to answer severaldifferent telephone numbers.DuplexA mechanism that will automatically turn over a sheet of paper so that themachine can print (or scan) on both sides of the paper. A printer equipped witha Duplex Unit can print on both sides of paper during one print cycle.Duty CycleDuty cycle is the page quantity which does not affect printer performance for amonth. Generally the printer has the lifespan limitation such as pages per year.The lifespan means the average capacity of print-outs, usually within thewarranty period. For example, if the duty cycle is 48,000 pages per monthassuming 20 working days, a printer limits 2,400 pages a day.