92Note: The Silent profile can also be activated by pressing and holding thekey or by reducing the volume to 0. An on screen message notifies youthat the Silent profile is now active. To deactivate this profile, press andhold the key again or increase the volume using the volume key.Note: To make changes to a profile, highlight the desired Profile on the SoundProfile screen and press the Edit key. Make any changes you want,then press the Save soft key.DisplayIn this menu, you can change various settings for the display orbacklight.1. In Idle mode, press Settings Display andpress the Select soft key or the key.The following options are available:• Main Display• Front Display• Light Settings2. Select an option, then press the key to accessthe following:Main Display• Wallpaper: allows you to select Picture or None. None leaves thewallpaper blank. Press the Edit soft key, and scroll through the graphicsin your Pictures folder (on the Phone or on the Memory card) to selectyour wallpaper. Press the Select soft key or the key to confirmthe selection.• Menu Style: allows you to select whether the phone’s menus arepresented in either a Grid Menu style or List Menu style. Make aselection and press the Select soft key or the key.• Dialing Display: allows you to select display properties:– Font Type: allows you to select the font to display. Press the Left or RightNavigation keys to make your selection. Choose from Normal 1, Normal 2,or Use Theme. Press the Save soft key or the key to confirm yourselection.– Font Size: allows you to select a size for the selected font . Press the Leftor Right Navigation keys to make your selection. Choose from Large,The Driving profile keeps the speaker active andlaunches the currently selected ringtone or melody whenthe associated notification activates. You may also set thephone to automatically reply to a voice call or send anautomated reply to an incoming text message.The Outdoor profile keeps the speaker active, the volumesettings are raised to their highest levels, any currentlyactive ringtones or melodies are activated, and thephone’s vibrate feature activates. You may also set thephone to automatically reply to a voice call or send anautomated reply to an incoming text message.