98Change Security CodeThis option allows you to change your current Security Code to anew one. Once you enter a new code, you are asked to confirm itby entering it again.Change PIN CodeThis option allows you to change your current PIN, provided thatthe PIN Check feature is enabled. You must enter the current PINbefore you can specify a new one. Once you enter a new PIN, youare asked to confirm it by entering it again.Change PIN2 CodeThe Change PIN2 option allows you to change your current PIN2to a new one. You must enter the current PIN2 before you canspecify a new one. Once you enter a new PIN2, you are asked toconfirm it by entering it again.Note: If your SIM card does not require a PIN2 password, this menu does notdisplay.Reset PhoneYou can easily reset your phone to its default settings. To resetyour phone:1. In Idle mode, select Settings Phone ResetPhone.2. At the All Settings reset to factory defaults. Continue?prompt, press Yes to reset, or No to cancel.3. Enter your phone password, and press the Confirm softkey.4. After the phone settings are reset, the Reset Phone Doneconfirmation displays.Once your phone has been reset to its default settings, it willrestart itself in order to activate the new settings.Note: User Data such as contacts, messages, pictures, videos, and music isnot deleted.