Changing Your Settings 93Medium, or Small. Press the Save soft key or the key to confirmyour selection.– Font Colour: allows you to select a colour for the selected font. Press theLeft or Right Navigation keys to make your selection. Choose fromMonochrome, Gradation, or Basic. Press the Down Navigation key andselect a colour choice. Press the Save soft key or the key toconfirm your selection.– Background Colour: allows you to select a colour for the backgroundscreen. Press the Left or Right Navigation keys to make your selection.Press the Save soft key or the key to confirm your selection.• Greeting Message: allows you to enter the text to display on the screenwhen the phone powers on.Front Display• Wallpaper: allows you to select from Clock, My image, or ScreenSlogan.– To set the Clock style, highlight the Clock option, then press the Edit softkey. Use the Left or Right Navigation keys to access the options ofDigital Clock 1, Digital Clock 2, Analog Clock 1, and Analog Clock 2.Press the Save soft key or the key to confirm your selection.– To set a Picture as wallpaper, highlight the My Image option, then pressthe Edit soft key. Press the Change soft key, and scroll through thegraphics in your Media Pictures folder to select your wallpaper. Use thesoft keys to zoom in or out and the Navigation keys to center the desiredportion of the graphic in the window. Press the key, then pressOptions Set or the key to confirm your selection.– To set a Screen Slogan, highlight the Screen Slogan option, and pressthe Edit soft key. The text box activates and displays the default slogan.Use the key to delete the default slogan, then use the text entryoptions and the keyboard to enter your slogan. Press the Save soft keyor the key to confirm your selection.• Greeting Message: allows you to enter the text to display on the screenwhen the phone powers on.