Messages 635. Press Options Save as Templates to save the templatefile.Use a Template1. When the Idle screen displays, press MessagesTemplates and press the Select soft key or thekey.2. Select a template type (Text Templates or MultimediaTemplates).3. Highlight a current template message and press theOptions soft key to access the following options:• Send: allows you to create and send a message using theselected template.• Create: allows you to add a new template to the list.• Edit: opens a new message window using the selected template.• Delete: deletes the currently Selected template or Multipletemplates.4. When you have finished, press the key to return toIdle mode.Delete by FolderThis option allows you to delete the contents of one or moremessage folders.1. In Idle mode, press Messages Delete byFolder and press the Select soft key or the key.2. Select the folder you want to delete the messages in bypressing the key to make a check mark.You can delete messages in all of your folders by selectingthe All box.3. Press the Delete soft key.4. At the Delete? prompt, highlight Locked Messages and pressthe key to make a checkmark if you also want todelete the locked messages.5. Press the Yes soft key to delete or the Cancel soft key tocancel.6. Press the key to return to Idle mode.Used SpaceThe Used Space option displays the memory used for varioustypes of messages as well as the available or remaining memory.