88GamesUsing the Games, you can enjoy games using yourphone.You can enjoy games using your phone.To start a game:1. Press the Navigation keys to scroll to one of thegames and press the Select soft key.2. Press any key except for the key.The phone displays the following options:• NEW GAME: allows you to start a new game.• HIGH SCORE: shows you the high scoretable.• HELP: gives you the information about how toplay the game.• KEY INFO: gives you the key helper screen toplay the game.• CONTINUE: allows you to continue the lastgame you played. This option is activated onlywhen you have played a game.3. While playing a game:To Press thepause/resume the game C key.exit the game key.Games89Chicken run (Menu 5-1)The goal of this game is to move eggs or chicks tothe destination carefully.When you select NEW GAME menu, the first screendisplays two menus.Select START menu to start a new game.Select OPTION menu to change following options.DIFFICULTY: allows you to change the game’slevel of difficulty.SOUND: allows you to turn the game sound on oroff.VIBRATION: allows you to turn the vibration on oroff.: allows you to exit the current screen.Once the game starts, you need to control blue andred control items to move eggs or chicks carefully.To control the blue items, press 1 or Left key, andpress 3 or Right key for the red ones. When youcomplete the given aims, the level goes up and thespeed goes up.Mobile cop (Menu 5-2)The goal of this game is to shoot the enemies.When you select NEW GAME menu, the first screendisplays three menus.Select START menu to start a new game.Select OPTION menu to change following options.