Health and safety information144• Do not paint the phone. Paint can clog thedevice’s moving parts and prevent properoperation.• Do not put the phone in or on heating devices,such as a microwave oven, a stove or a radiator.The phone may explode when overheated.• Use only the supplied or an approvedreplacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas ormodified accessories may damage the phone andviolate regulations governing radio devices.• If the phone, battery, charger or any accessory isnot working properly, take it to your nearestqualified service facility. The personnel there willassist you, and if necessary, arrange for service.145GlossaryAir Time - Actual time spent talking on the wirelessphone. Most carriers bill customers based on howmany minutes of airtime they use each month.Antenna - A device for transmitting or receivingsignals. The size and shape of antennas isdetermined, in part, by the frequency of the signalthey receive. Wireless phones and the base stationmust have antennas.Base Station - The fixed radio transmitter/receiverthat maintains communications with mobile radiotelephones within a given area. (Typically called acell or cell site)CDMA - (Code Division Multiple Access) A spread-spectrum approach to digital transmission. WithCDMA, each conversion is digitized and then taggedwith a code. The mobile phone deciphers only aparticular code to pick the right conversation off theair. The transmitted signal is just above noise levelacross the available bandwidth.Channel - Communications signals transmit alongpaths called channels.Codec Coder/Decorder - Compression &decompression.Deactivation - The process of rendering a wirelessphone inactive.DTMF - (Dual-Tone Multi- Frequency ) You sendDTMF signals when you enter numbers by pressingthe digit keys.