Glossary146EVRC - (Enhanced Variable Rate Codec) EVRC is anew global standard for compressing anddecompressing voice signals. EVRC uses a lower bitrate (the number of bits sent per second) thanexisting CDMA vocoders, while providing significantimprovements in voice quality. This technologyenables your phone to provide superb voice qualitywhile benefiting from the ability to process morecellular voice calls using less bandwidth than thevoice codecs in CDMA networks today.Frequency - A measure based on time, as one ormore waves per second, in an electrical or lightwave information signal. A signal’s frequency isstated in cycles-per-second or Hertz (Hz).Hands-Free - A feature that permits a driver touse a wireless phone without lifting or holding thehandset - an important safety feature forautomobiles, tractors and most other motorizedvehicles.LCD - (Liquid Crystal Display) Commonly used torefer to the screen display on the wireless phone.Prepend - The addition of a prefix, such as an areacode, to a phone number.RF - Radio FrequencyRoaming - The ability to use a wireless phone tomake and receive calls in places outside of thehome service area.Service Charge - The amount paid each month toreceive wireless service.Glossary147Standby Time - The amount of time a fullycharged wireless portable or transportable phonecan be on and idle without being in use. (See TalkTime)Talk Time - The length of time a person can talk ona portable or transportable wireless phone withoutrecharging the battery.Vocoder - Voice Coder. A device used to convertspeech into digital signals.Wireless - Radio-based Systems that allowtransmission of telephone or data signals throughthe air without a physical connection, such as ametal wire (copper) or fiber optic cable.