TROUBLESHOOTING8.20Solving ProblemsThe following chart lists some conditions that may occur and therecommended solutions. Follow the suggested solutions untilthe problem is corrected. If the problem persists, please contacta service engineer.Copier Problem Solution ChartCondition Suggested solutionsThe LCD does not turn on.Check that the machine is plugged into an electricalsupply.Ensure that there is power to the socket where theunit is plugged in and that the machine power switchis in the ON position.The machine beeps an errorsound and does not make acopy.Make sure that the machine is in copy mode. If not,change the mode into the Copy mode by pressingCopy.Copies are too light or toodark.If the original is light, use Darkness to darken thebackground of the copies.If the original is dark, use Darkness to lighten thebackground of the copies.Smears, lines, marks, orspots on copies.If the detects are on the original, press Darkness tolighten the background of your copies.If no defects are on the original, clean the documentglass and underside of the document cover.White or black lines onyour copy.Check to see if the temperature is too low. When itis lower than 10 oC, copy your document 1 hourafter you turn the machine on.Copy image is skewed.Ensure that original is positioned correctly ondocument glass.Check that the copy paper is loaded correctly.Blank copies. Ensure that the original is face down on thedocument glass or face up in the DADF.