U SING THE A DDRESS BOOK9.2Using the Local Address BookYou can store frequently used e-mail addresses in the machine’smemory called the Local address book. Once you store e-mailaddresses in the local address book, you can retrieve theaddresses anytime you send an e-mail using Address Book.Adding an E-mail Address to the LocalAddress Book1 Press E-mail. The e-mail idle screen displays “From” or “MyLogin Name” on the top line according to the authenticationsetting your system administrator made through theauthorized user setup. For details, see “Setting AuthorizedUsers” on page 7.3.2 Press Menu until “E-Mail Features” displays on the top lineof the display.3 Press the scroll buttons to display “Local Address Book” andpress Enter.4 Press the scroll buttons until “New” displays on the bottomline and then press Enter.5 Enter a name using the alphabet keypad and then pressEnter.6 Enter the e-mail address using the alphabet keypad andthen press Enter. You can include numbers in the e-mailaddress by using the number keypad.7 When the display shows “Another Address?” select “Add”and then press Enter. The maximum number of entriesthat can be added to the Address Book is 100. When youfinish adding the addresses, select “Done” when the displayshows “Another Address?”, and then press Enter.8 To add another e-mail address, repeat steps 5 through 7.9 To return to idle mode, press Stop/Clear.