7.7TROUBLESHOOTING7LOAD DOCUMENT You have attempted toset up a sendingoperation with nodocument loaded.Load a document and tryagain.MEMORY FULL The memory is full. Either delete unnecessarydocuments, or retransmitafter more memory becomesavailable, or split thetransmission into more thanone operation.MEMORY JOBNOT ASSIGNEDYou attempted to adddocuments when there isno scheduled job.Check the display if there isany scheduled job. Thedisplay should indicate thejob in Standby mode (forexample, DELAY TX or SAVETOLL).NO ANSWER The remote machine hasnot answered after allthe redial attempts.Try again. Make sure theremote machine isoperational.NO. NOTASSIGNEDThe one-touch or speeddial location you tried touse has no numberassigned to it.Dial the number manuallywith the keypad, or assign anumber.PC NOTAVAILABLEYour product is notproperly connected toyour PC.Check the cable connectionbetween the product and thePC. Connect properly using aparallel or USB cable. Seepage 1.10.POLLING ERROR The remote fax machineyou want to poll is notready to respond to yourpoll.OrWhen setting up to pollanother fax machine,you have used anincorrect poll code.The remote operator shouldknow in advance that you arepolling and have their fax unitloaded with the originaldocument.OrEnter the correct poll code.Display Meaning Solution