111E-Mail110E-Mail5. Select a destination type (To, Cc or Bcc) andpress the Select soft key.6. Choose one of the following options and pressthe Select soft key:• Direct Enter: allows you to directly enterthe e-mail address you want.• Phone Book: allows you to retrieve ane-mail address from your Phone Book.7. Enter an e-mail address and press the OKsoft key, or select one from Phone Book andpress the Select soft key.8. To add another address, select To, Cc or Bccand press the Select soft key.9. When there is an e-mail address alreadyentered in the selected destination type, pressthe Select soft key when Add Destinationhighlights. Repeat from steps 6 to 8.If you want to edit the destinations, selectone and press the Select soft key. You canchange or delete it.10. When you are finished adding thedestinations, press the Select soft key whenSend E-Mail highlights.Your phone sends the e-mail.3. Press the Up or Down key to select an optionand press the Select soft key.The following options are available:• Add Attachments: enables you to attachone of your Phone Book entries, memosstored on your calendar, photos you took,pictures or sounds. After selecting the filetype you want to add, choose an item fromthe list. After adding, press the soft keyor C key to go back to the Write Optionscreen.You can check the attached items byselecting Attachment View. Select anitem on the list and press the View softkey. To remove the item, press the Discardsoft key.• Send: sends your e-mail.• Save: saves the e-mail in the Drafts(Menu 3.3) or Templates (Menu 3.5) boxfor later use.• Add Destination: allows you to adddestination addresses. See steps 5 to 9.After adding, press the soft key or the Ckey to go back to the Write Option screen.• Properties: shows the e-mail subject, thelist of the recipients you added, if any, andmessage text.4. When you are finished creating the e-mail,choose Send from the options and press theSelect soft key.