Access Codes132PINThe Personal Identification Number or PIN(4 to 8 digits) protects your SIM card againstunauthorised use. It is usually supplied withthe SIM card.If you enter an incorrect PIN three times insuccession, the code is disabled and cannot beused until you re-enable it by entering the PUK(see below).PUKThe 8-digit PUK (PIN Unblocking Key) is required tochange a disabled PIN. The PUK may be suppliedwith the SIM card. If not, or you have lost it,contact your service provider.To re-enable your PIN, proceed as follows.1. Key in the PUK and press the OK soft key.2. Enter a new PIN of your choice and press the OKsoft key.3. When the Confirm New PIN message isdisplayed, key in the same code again and pressthe OK soft key.If you enter an incorrect PUK ten times insuccession, the SIM card becomes invalid.Contact your service provider for a new card.To... Refer to...Activate/deactivate thePIN Check featurePage 86(Menu 4.6.1).Change the PIN Page 87(Menu 4.6.2).Access Codes133PIN2The PIN2 (4 to 8 digits), supplied with some SIMcards, is required to access specific functions, suchas setting the maximum cost of a call. Thesefunctions are available if supported by your SIMcard.If you enter an incorrect PIN2 three times insuccession, the code is disabled and you cannotaccess the functions until you re-enable it byentering the PUK2.To change the PIN2, refer to page 88(Menu 4.6.7).PUK2The 8-digit PUK2 (PIN Unblocking Key 2), suppliedwith some SIM cards, is required to change adisabled PIN2. If you lose the code, contact yourservice provider.To re-enable your PIN2, proceed as follows.1. Key in the PUK2 and press the OK soft key.2. Enter a new PIN2 of your choice and press theOK soft key.3. When the Confirm PIN2 message is displayed,key in the same code again and press the OKsoft key.If you enter an incorrect PUK2 ten times insuccession, you will not be able to access thefunctions requiring the PIN2. Contact your serviceprovider for a new card.