using GPRS abroadIf you use GPRS abroad you may need to manually selectthe network you use to ensure that you are roaming on anetwork that supports GPRS Roaming.Call customer services on 150 from your Orange phone, or07973 100 150 from any other phone, to get an up-to-datelist of foreign operators that support GPRS Roaming andthe tariffs applicable to the service plan.You can connect to GPRS services as if you are in the UKwhen you use it abroad.International services109when you go abroad, you need to select thepartner network to useOrange has partnerships with a range of networksin a variety of countries.When you go abroad, you need to tell your phoneto select a network.1 Press Menu, scroll to Settings and press OK.2 Scroll to Network and press Select.3 Select Network selection.4 Choose from:■ AutomaticYour phone will automatically select a network for you.■ ManualA list of available networks will appear, which you canthen choose from.For more information call Orange Customer Services on150 or, if you are a pay as you go customer, on 450 fromyour Orange phone.using your Answer Phone abroadWhile abroad, you can use your Answer Phone as easilyas you do when in the UK.1 Simply press and hold the 1 key.2 You will be connected to your Answer Phone.Now just press:1 to listen to your message again2 to save your message3 to delete your message7 to rewind 10 seconds8 to skip to the next message9 to fast forward 10 seconds# to return the call.International services108Samsung Z107 UK D6.qxd 11/24/04 11:16 Page 108