from the day your phone was first registered on theOrange network.11.4 In the event that you wish to switch from a pay as yougo service plan for which Orange Care has beenpurchased to a pay monthly service plan whichrequires Orange Care to be purchased as an optionalextra Orange Care will automatically cease. Orangewill refund to you a pro rata proportion of the premiumfor the balance of each complete month remaining ofthat period unless you have already made a claim onthe policy in which event no refund will be due.11.5 In the event you switch from a pay as you go serviceplan to a pay monthly service plan which includesOrange Care then from the date such switching takeseffect you will be covered by Orange Care for theunexpired balance (if any) of any period under clause8.1 calculated from the day your phone was firstregistered on the Orange network.11.6 In the event you switch from a pay monthly serviceplan inclusive of Orange Care to a pay as you goservice plan Orange Care will automatically cease.11.7 In the event that you wish to switch from a paymonthly service plan for which Orange Care has beenpurchased as an optional extra Orange Care willautomatically cease but in such event you will not beentitled to any refund of premiums paid.12 claims12.1 To make a claim under this Insurance you should call150 from your Orange pay monthly phone or 07973100 150 from any other phone if you are a paymonthly customer. Pay as you go customers shouldcall 451 from their Orange phone or 07973 100 451from any other phone. Small Business customersshould call 345 from their Orange phone or07973 100 345 from any other phone and BusinessSolutions customers should call 158 from theirOrange phone or 07973 100 158 from any otherphone. Your claim will be handled fairly and promptly.12.2 In certain circumstances, particularly where there is adispute over your claim Orange may refer the matterto independent Chartered Loss Adjusters forinvestigation and review.reference13710 term and payments – pay as you go Service Plan10.1 When you are connected to a pay as you goservice plan which requires Orange Care to bepurchased as an optional extra the premium mustbe paid in advance.10.2 The policy only applies to approved and brandedOrange pay as you go phones and may bepurchased for any phone within the current pay asyou go range. If you pay by credit card or debit cardthe policy will come into force 24 hours after yourcall to request cover. If you pay by cheque then thepolicy will come into force within 24 hours ofclearance of your cheque. The Insurance andwarranty within the policy will each have a term of12 months. Your confirmation of Insurance coverwill be sent to you within 30 working days after theend of the month in which cover becomes effective.10.3 You may request that the policy is terminated at anytime during the 12 month period in which eventOrange will refund to you a pro rata proportion ofthe premium for the balance of each completemonth remaining of that period unless you havealready made a claim on the policy in which eventno refund will be due.11 switching between Service Plans11.1 In the event that you wish to switch from one paymonthly service plan to another both of which includeOrange Care, or, from one pay monthly service planto another both of which require Orange Care to bepurchased as an optional extra then Orange Care willcontinue unaffected.11.2 In the event that you wish to switch from a paymonthly service plan which includes Orange Careto a pay monthly service plan which requires OrangeCare to be purchased as an optional extra theinclusive Orange Care will automatically cease.11.3 In the event that you wish to switch from a paymonthly service plan which requires Orange Care tobe purchased as an optional extra to a pay monthlyservice plan which includes Orange Care then fromthe date such switching takes effect you will becovered by Orange Care for the unexpired balance(if any) of any period under clause 8.1 calculatedreference136Samsung Z107 UK D6.qxd 11/24/04 11:16 Page 136