telephone, electronic messaging services, fax or emailto let you know about any goods, services orpromotions which may be of interest to you. Pleasecall customer services if you do not wish to receivesuch information from us, or if you do not wish toreceive information from our business partners, butremember that this will preclude you from receivingany of our special offers or promotions or those ofour business partners.19.5 By registering your Device on the Network youconsent to our transferring your information tocountries which do not provide the same level of dataprotection as the UK if necessary for providing youservices you require. If we do make such a transfer,we will put a contract in place to ensure yourinformation is protected.19.6 You have a right to ask for a copy of your information(for which we charge a small fee) and to correct anyinaccuracies.19.7 When you give us information about another person youconfirm that they have appointed you to act for them, toconsent to the processing of their personal data, and tothe transfer of their information abroad and to receive ontheir behalf any data protection notices.19.8 For details of the Orange Group of Companies pleasevisit our website.delivering communications to you19.9 All notices to be served in accordance with yourContract must be served by post or facsimile. We canin addition serve notice to you by voicemail, email textor other form of electronic message. They will bedeemed served 48 hours after they are sent, or onearlier proof of delivery. All invoices and noticesserved by post will be sent to the address given byyou on Registration unless you notify us of a changeto this address. Any waiver, concession or extra timewe may allow you is limited to the specificcircumstances in which it is given and does not affectour rights in any other way.disputes between you and us19.10You may request that disputes between you and us arereferred to arbitration under our Code of Practice forreference15919 generalchanges to your Contract19.1 Subject to Condition 15, your Contract may be variedor amended only by the express mutual agreement ofboth parties. A party seeking to rely on such variationor amendment must produce evidence of the otherparty's agreement to it.disclosure of information to third parties19.2 You agree to the disclosure to anytelecommunications company, debt collection agency,credit reference agency, credit or fraud monitoringscheme, security agency or credit provider of:a) any information relating to your Contract, includingyour personal financial information and details ofhow you have performed in meeting yourobligations under your Contractb) any disclosure as may be within our DataProtection Act registrationc) any disclosure required as a result of an orderof any court of competent jurisdiction or bystatutory authority.Your information19.3 Orange or its Group companies will use yourinformation which you provide to us together withother information for administration, marketing, creditscoring, customer services, tracking your Device andweb use preferences, and profiling your purchasingpreferences. We will disclose your information to ourservice providers and agents to help us with thesepurposes. We will keep your information for areasonable period after your contract with us hasfinished in case you decide to use our Servicesagain and we may contact you about our Servicesduring this time.19.4 You consent to us sharing your information with othercompanies in the Orange Group and companiesoutside the Orange Group who are our businesspartners. They or we may contact you by mail,reference158Samsung Z107 UK D6.qxd 11/24/04 11:16 Page 158