4.2 OVP Plan charges, for calls made to phones on theCompetitor's network, will be the equivalent of theCompetitor tariff charges for calls made from theirNetwork to phones on the Orange Network, subject topoint 2.8 above. These are known as 'Mobile to MobileOff Net calls'. For example, if 'Y tariff', on 'network X',charges 25p per minute to call another mobile phoneon its network and charges 50p per minute to call amobile phone on any other network, the OVP equivalentPlan will charge 25p per minute to call another Orangephone and 50p per minute to call a mobile phone on'network X' or any other mobile network.5 Other Benefits5.1 OVP offers rollover on minutes and text messages onall OVP Plans with an inclusive bundle where thecompetitor tariff offers rollover on minutes or textmessages. Rollover on minutes or text messages isnot available on Service Plans with an inclusive valuebundle. Unused inclusive minutes and/or textmessages from one month may be rolled over for usein the next. If the rolled over minutes and/or textmessages are not used in that month they will be lost.We reserve the right to offer rollover as a promotionon certain OVP plans where rollover is not offered bythe competition.5.2 The Orange Network Performance Promise appliesto OVP Plans, subject to its terms and conditions.6 Insurance Products & Orange Care6.1 Competitors' insurance products are not offeredunder OVP.6.2 Orange Care is not included in any OVP Plan, but youmay purchase it separately. If you do not purchaseOrange Care then you will only get the benefit of themanufacturer's warranty on a new phone.reference1753 Charges3.1 We will make reasonable endeavours to ensure thatOVP Plan charges are the equivalent of theCompetitor tariff published charges.3.2 In the event that a Competitor makes any changes toa Competitor tariff, subject to the provisions of theseterms and conditions we will make reasonableendeavours to implement any published changes toexisting OVP Plans as soon as is reasonably practical.3.3 If you are connecting to Orange on an OVP Plan youwill be charged the equivalent of the Competitor'sstandard connection charge.3.4 We reserve the right to apply Competitor's chargesfor changing OVP Service Plan.3.5 Subject to point 3.4 above, you may switch betweenOrange Value Promise Service Plans, Orange TalkPlans or other Orange Service Plans3.6 You may switch between OVP Plans or to an OrangeTalk Plan by giving us at least 5 days notice beforeyour Monthly Billing Date.3.7 OVP Plans will replicate the charging structure &minimum call charges of the Competitor's tariffincluding, but not limited to, service charges foritemised billing, non-direct debit payment, accesscharges for short message service, charges for callsto Customer Service and charges for calls made tofreephone numbers (including, but not limited to,those prefixed 050 & 080).3.8 International direct dialled and Roaming calls will becharged at standard Orange rates.4 Charges for Mobile to Mobile calls4.1 OVP Plan charges, for calls entirely on the OrangeNetwork, will be the equivalent of the Competitor'stariff charges for calls made entirely on their network,subject to point 2.8 above. These are known as'On Net calls'.reference174Samsung Z107 UK D6.qxd 11/24/04 11:16 Page 174