Advanced FeaturesJ Getting Started with Internet@TVInternet@TV brings useful and entertainingcontents and services directly from the web toyour TM(_ MENU iTR--_Application _ ContentView --_ Internet@TV --_ ENTERIZ_Screen DisplayDisplays the current channekInformation:Displays notices,applications, andadvertisements brought toyou by Samsung productintroductions.Application service:Youcan experiencevarious service by providedsamsung.Internet@'rv Settings:Edit and configure applicationsand Internet@TV settings.Recommended Applications:Displaysthe recommended sewice bySamsung. You are not able to add ordelete a service in this list,Downloaded Applications:Displaysthe downloaded applicationsthrough tile Samsung Apps.Controb:• _ Red (Login): To log in to Intemet@TV.• [//_Green (Mark as Favorite): To mark the applications as a favorite.• _ Blue (Sort by): To sort the applications.• 9 Return: To return to the previous menu.'_bs The color buttons may work differently depending on the application.NOTEConfigure the network settings before using Internet@TV. For more information, refer to "Network Connection" (p.30).* Unsupported fonts within the provider's content will not display normally.* Slow responses and/or interruptions may occur, depending on your network conditions.* Depending on the region, English may be the only language supported for application services.* This feature is not available in some locations,* If you experience a problem using a application, please contact the content provider.* According to circumstances of the contents provider, an application's updates or the application itself may bediscontinued.* Depending on your country's regulations, some applications may have limited service or not be supported.8 English