NoticeThe picture may appear corrupted or have static for some channels when the TV is connected to the Samsung Wireless LANAdapter. In such a case, establish a connection using one of the following methods or connect the Samsung Wireless LANAdapter using a USB cable in a place that is not affected by radio interference.Connect using the USB right angle adapterTo connect the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter using the USBright angle adapter, follow these steps:1. Connect the USB right angle adapter to the SamsungWireless LAN Adapter.2. Connect the other end of the right angle adapter to the USB1 (HDD} port.Connect via an extension cablei• L i 'To reconnect the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter usingthe extension cable, follow these steps:The Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter should beinstalled in an interference-free area in order toavoid interference between the adapter and tuner.1. Connect the extension cable to the USB 1 (HDD}port.2. Connect the extension cable and Samsung WirelessLAN Adapter.3. Attach the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter to theback of the TV near the top, using double-sidedadhesive tape.Network Setup (Samsung AutoConfiguration) ....................................................................................................................................................................The Samsung Auto Configuration function lets you connectyour Samsung TV automatically to non-Samsung wirelessAPs. If your non-Samsung AP does not support SamsungAuto Configuration, you must connect using one of theother methods: PBC 6NPS), auto configuration, or manualconfiguration.To use this function, you must set SWL (SamsungWireless Link) to Off in the TV's on-screen menu.You can check for equipment that supports SamsungAuto Configuration on to set up using Samsung Auto Configuration1. Place the AP and TV next to each other and turn themon,Because AP booting times vary, you may haveto wait approximately two minutes for your AP toboot up.Ensure the LAN cable is connected to theWAN port of the AP during Samsung AutoConfiguration. If it is not connected, SamsungAuto Configuration only confirms that the TV isconnected to the AP, but does not confirm it isconnected to the Internet.2. After 2 minutes, connect the Samsung Wireless LANAdapter to the TV When the Samsung Wireless LANAdapter establishes a connection with your W, a pop-upwindow appears.3. As soon as a connection is established, place the APparallel to the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter and notfarther than 9 and 7/8s inches (25cm) from it.4. Wait until the connection is automatically established.If Samsung Auto Configuration does not connectyour TV to your AP, a pop-up window appears onthe screen notifying you of the failure. If you wantto try using Samsung Auto Configuration again,reset the AP, disconnect the Samsung WirelessLAN Adapter and then try again from Step 1. Youcan also choose one of the other connectionsetup methods: PBC (WPS), auto, or manual.5. Place the AP in a desired location.If the AP settings change or you install a newAP, you must perform the Samsung AutoConfiguration procedure again, beginning fromStep 1.English 33