WEC8500/8050 Maintenance Manual Version 5.1Samsung Electronics America page 63 of 873.2 Automatic Upgrade does not Work on APWhen attempting a CAPWAP connection, if the firmware version of the AP registered withthe APC is different from the firmware version the AP is actually running, the AP isautomatically upgraded.SymptomsAutomatic Upgrade does not Work on AP.Version information of ‘Default’ Type checked with ‘show ap upgrade summary’ must bethe same as the firmware version of the AP.Firmware version information of the AP can be checked under Version (current) of theAP_ID executing the ‘show ap upgrade list’.If the AP model is ‘WEA30x’, the ‘weafama’ package is used and if the AP model is‘WEA40x’, the ‘weafamb’ package is used.WEC8500# show ap upgrade summary===== ap upgrade config summary =====Type : DefaultMode : FTPPath : package/apIpAddress : : 21MAXretries : 3MAXdownload : 3currentDownload : 0waitApCount : 0Target : AllPKG_Name Version FileName Typeweafama 1.2.6.R weafama_1.2.6.R.bin Defaultweafama Quick Upgradeweafama Predownloadweafamb Defaultweafamb Quick Upgradeweafamb PredownloadWEC8500# show ap upgrade list/* (RC/FR/RC) : RetryCount/FailReason/RebootCause/* Pri : VersionPriority (MD-model,A-AP config)AP_ID Model Version(config/current) Status(RC/FR/RC) Pri force1 WEA303i Global/ 1.2.6.R None( 0/ 0/128) MD No