WEC8500/8050 Maintenance Manual Version 5.1Samsung Electronics America page 84 of 87A.3 debug logItem StorageLocation File Type Description Extraction Methodappl.debugloglog Debug.logDebug.log.N.gzRealtime debuglog ofinformationuseful for futuretrackingrecorded byvarious softwareblocks of thesystem.[WEC]Administration > File Management > APC-Local PC > Select a file in the storagelocation in the browse window and clickthe Download button.[CLI]WEC8500# file upload ID PW IPADDRdisk:/log/Debug.log Debug.logWEC8500# file upload ID PW IPADDRdisk:/log/Debug.log.old Debug.log.oldWEC8500# file upload ID PW IPADDRdisk:/log/Debug.log.old2 Debug.log.old2CPUover-loaddumplog cpuloadcpuload.old.NLog of importantsysteminformation whilethe CPU loadalarm remainsactive due tosystem overload.[Common]Method valid only when the file exists inthe storage location.[WEC]Administration > File Management > APC-Local PC > Select a file in the storagelocation in the browse window and clickthe Download button. [CLI]WEC8500# file upload ID PW IPADDRdisk:/log/cpuload cpuloadNFMdebuglogslog/se nfm.logN SE memoryinformationrecorded when asimple executive(SE) crashoccurs on thedata processinglayer or there isa problem withdata processing[WEC]Administration > File Management > APC-Local PC >Select the file storage locationin the navigation panel, press the filedownload button[CLI]WEC8500# file upload ID PW IPADDRdisk:/log/se/nfm.log1 nfm.log1Command/Login-Outlogslog/uiloglog/webmessage.logNwec.loginout.logRecords thecommandsentered by theoperator on theCLIContainsCLI/weblogin/logoutinformation[CLI]WEC8500# show command-log[WEC] Web login informationAdministration>Logs>Login-Out[CLI] CLI login informationWEC8500# show event group system