TV ADJUSTMENT AND SETUP (Continued)ADJUSTING SOUNDSelect desired sound setting: Audio, Bass, Treble or Surround.1 Choose Audio from the Sound menu options.2 Use the / keys to select the sound setting you want tochange.(Red arrow indicates selected highlighted option.)3 Use the – /+ keys to adjust settings: Stereo, Mono or SAP.Notes: Stereo and SAP must be part of the broadcast signal. The TVwill automatically reset to stereo if unplugged or a power failure occurs.4 To adjust the other sound features: Bass, Treble, or Surround,simply follow steps 2~3 above.ADJUSTING THE CHANNEL TUNINGRESETTING THE ANTENNA MODE ANDCHANNEL SEARCHResetting the Antenna or CH. (Channel) Search is required only ifadditional channels become available, such as moving to another cityor having a cable service installed.1 Choose Antenna or CH. Search from the Channel menuoptions. (Red arrow indicates selected menu option.)2 Use the – /+ keys to change Antenna settings: Cable orUHF/VHF. For CH. Search, press the + key. The TV will auto-matically start searching for your channels. It will take the TVseveral minutes to complete the search.12NNeeeedd hheellpp?? VViissiitt oouurr WWeebb ssiittee aatt wwwwww..ssaannyyooccttvv..ccoomm oorr CCaallll 11--880000--887777--55003322