SETTING A MPAA MOVIE RATING4 Use the / keys to block ratings: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, and X.5 Press the + key to set the BLOCKED rating. (√ Check mark indicatesBlocked rating.)Note: The TV will automatically block (B) ratings above or unblock (U) ratingsbelow selection. For example, if you block rating R, NC17 and X will beblocked as well.TO CLEAR MPAA MOVIE RATINGS(Repeat Steps 1 and 3 to display V-Guide menu, if needed.)6 Use the / keys to highlight Clear.7 Press the + key to clear all blocked ratings.SETTING TV RATINGS(Repeat Steps 1 and 3 to display V-Guide menu, if needed.)8 Use the / keys to block TV ratings: TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G,TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA, or Content.9 Press the + key to set the BLOCKED rating. (√ Check markindicates Blocked rating.)SETTING CONTENT-BASED GUIDELINES(Repeat Steps 1 and 3 to display V-Guide menu, if needed.)10 Use the / keys to highlight Content options.11 Press the + key to display the TV and Content Rating Options: FantasyViolence, Violence, Sexual Situations, Adult Language, SuggestiveDialog.12 Use the / keys to highlight the TV Rating (highlighted inyellow). Then press the + key to block the content category (high-lighted in white). Press + key again to Block or Unblock rating. Usethe / keys to highlight another rating.13 Press the – key to return to the TV and Content Rating to block orunblock other categories. Repeat step 11 to change other ratings.Note: Networks and localstations may or maynot include thecontent ratingsportion of the TVParental Guidelines.17NNeeeedd hheellpp?? VViissiitt oouurr WWeebb ssiittee aatt wwwwww..ssaannyyooccttvv..ccoomm oorr CCaallll 11--880000--887777--55003322