Problem: Check these Conditions: Try these Solutions: Page No.TV turns offautomatically. Check signal (Cable/Ant.) connection. Power surge protection feature. Press POWER key. The sleep timer may have been set. Unplug TV momentarily.5No picture, poorpicture, or wavylines in picture. Check antenna connections. May be station trouble. Brightness or Contrast misadjusted. Possible interference from householdappliance. Adjust antenna. Try a different channel. Select AUTO from Picture/Soundon-screen menu or press RESET key. Turn off Mixer, Drill, Blender, etc.6, 11No sound, poorsound.No sound onsome channels. May be station trouble. May be MUTE function. Check Audio/ Video connections Try a different channel. Adjust Volume.8~911Picture too Brightor too Dark. Check Backlight (power energysaving) settings. Select Set-up Menu to set BACKLIGHT option to Middle setting. 14Cannot displaypicture on a fullscreen. Check if Aspect Ratio setting is 16:9. Select Set-up Menu to set ASPECTRATIO option to 4:3 normal setting. 14No Captioning. Check if station is broadcasting aClosed-Caption signal. Press CAPTION key to selectCaptioning. 15Poor color orno color. Check if program is in color. Check antenna connections. Color or Tint misadjusted. May be station trouble. Try a different channel. Adjust antenna. Press RESET key to restart channelsearch.11Blue Screen withVideo1, Video2, orComponent3displayed. Check Audio/Video connections. Check external equipment. Check external equipment setting. check DVD setting. Press INPUT key. Switch on external equipment. Set external equipment output con-nections to match input connections.8~10No TV Stereo orSAP sound. Check if station is broadcasting a trueMTS stereo signal or a SAP signal. Select STEREO or SAP from Audioon-screen menu.12Cannot select orscan somechannels. Channel may be removed frommemory. Check antenna connections. V-Guide is set to block programming. Select CH. SCAN MEMORY andmanually add channels or startCH. (channel) search. Set V-GUIDE to OFF or press RESETkey to clear all setting.1316~18Remote Controlwill not work TV. Check batteries. Check if TV is plugged in. Check external equipment. Replace batteries. Aim remote control at front of TV.6, 10Menu Systemwords seemmisspelled. May be a different language isselected. Reselect menu language choice usingthe on-screen menu. 14Cabinet makespopping sound. This is a normal condition duringwarm-up and cool down of the plasticcabinet parts.Because of the Quality we build into our product, very few problems are actual TV defects. Most problems only involvesimple hookup or setup changes that can be solved by the customer. Please check the chart below and try the solutions listedfor your problem. If the problem still persists, before returning your TV, visit our website at or call ustoll free at 1.800.877.5032.HELPFUL HINTS (Problems/Solutions)19NNeeeedd hheellpp?? VViissiitt oouurr WWeebb ssiittee aatt wwwwww..ssaannyyooccttvv..ccoomm oorr CCaallll 11--880000--887777--55003322