CONNECTING A VCR OR DVD PLAYERSwitch off TV and external equipment before connecting cables. (Cables are not supplied.)1 Connect VCR, DVD Player, or other equipment’s Audio Video Out to the TV Audio Video Input.For Mono VCR (Single Audio Jack) connect VCR Audio Out to TV Audio (L) Input.Optional (11 / 22)Connect DVD Player or other equipment’s S-Video Out to the TV S-Video In Jack.Using the S-Video jack overrides the Video (AV1) jack.Connect DVD Player or other equipment’s Audio Out to the TV Audio In Jacks.2 Press POWER to turn on the TV. Turn on external equipment also.3 Press the INPUT key to select VIDEO1 or VIDEO2.MENU RECALLRESETINPUTCHPOWERVOL VOLUSING THE AUDIO/VIDEO INPUT JACKSVIDEO OUT SELECTCOPONENTSY PB PRAUDIO OUTR LVIDEO OUTCOMPONENT VIDEO OUTS-VIDEO OUTDIGITALOUT3 4R-AUDIO-LR-AUDIO-LVIDEOVIDEO VHF/UHFTO TVFROM ANT.RFCHANNELININOUTL(MONO) L(MONO)S-VIDEOAV2 AV1TUNERDC INV VR RRLVHFUHFCATVYPbPrPOWER(DC IN 12V)AV3OUTBBaacckk VViieeww ooff VVCCRRRReemmoottee CCoonnttrroollTTVV AAVV IInnppuutt JJaacckkss DDVVDD PPllaayyeerrPress the INPUT key after connecting cables to access theA / V Inputs. There is NO need to tune to a blank channel.Make sure all cable connectors are fully seated on jacks.Always match A/V cables according to the colors; redfor right audio, white for left audio and yellow for video.A solid Blue screen with the word VIDEO1 or VIDEO2,displayed means that the Video mode is selected, butno signal is being detected at the Video jacks. Checkconnections, turn on external equipment.WWhhaatt yyoouu wwiillll nneeeeddffoorr ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss::1 AA//VV CCaabbllee –– 11OOPPTTIIOONNAALL CC OONNNNEECCTTIIOONN11 SS--VViiddeeoo CCaabbllee –– 1122 AAuuddiioo CCaabbllee –– 119NNeeeedd hheellpp?? VViissiitt oouurr WWeebb ssiittee aatt wwwwww..ssaannyyooccttvv..ccoomm oorr CCaallll 11--880000--887777--5500332211223 21