13NNeeeedd hheellpp?? VViissiitt oouurr WWeebb ssiittee aatt wwwwww..ssaannyyooccttvv..ccoomm oorr CCaallll 11--880000--887777--55003322ADDING OR DELETING CHANNELS1 Choose CH. Memory from the Channel menu options.(Red arrow indicates selected highlighted option.)2 Press the + key to select the channel number entryarea.3 Enter the channel number you want to add or delete(example): C34. For cable channels above 99, pressand hold the 1 key until C1– – appears. Then enter theother two numbers.4 Press the + key to change the present setting.Example: Added will change to Deleted. This takesabout three seconds. During that time, the word“Added” or “Deleted” will become white.5 Use the 0~9 or / keys to chose other channels todelete or add, or press MENU key to exit.Under weak stereo signal conditions, you may receivebetter quality sound in the “Mono” position.Surround sound expands the sound effect whilereceiving MTS stereo signals.Pressing the RESET key will clear all customized set-tings. The TV will automatically start Channel Searchand clear settings.Channels deleted from scan memory can be selectedwith the number keys.Restoring deleted channels, use the on-screen menu tomanually add channels or start CH. Search from themenu. It make take a few minutes to search thru theavailable channels. or press the RESET key.