- 156 -Mecanical and Optical Parts126101RRLLNote on LCD Panel / Prism assemblyThere are 2 types combination of the LCD panel / prism assemblyand the optical unit, named "Type-R" and "Type-L". since bothhave no compatibility, each type should be with the same type,and the specific parts should be used. If not, the poor opticalcharacteristics may degrade the quality of a projector image.comform the "R" label or "L" label on top of the LCD panel / prismassembly and the optical unit.Note:LCD panel / prism assembly should be used with the same type of the optical unit.Comfirm that both marking "R" is matched. Comfirm that both marking "L" is matched.LCD Panel / Prism Assembly TYpe-R LCD Panel / Prism Assembly TYpe-L