- 25 -Mechanical disassembliesAA A AB5-1 Switch Power Supply(25V) unit removal.1. Remove 4 screws-A, remove screw-B and remove the Switch power supply (25V) unit.5-2 Switch Power Supply(25V) unit disassemblies.1. Remove 2 screws-A and remove the Switch power supply (25V) Board.2. Unhook the 4 Fixer Clamps and remove the Motor &Audio Board.3. Remove 2 screws-B and remove the F-G net Board.4. Remove 3 screws-C and remove the grounding leads.AABBCCCSwitch Power supply (25V) UnitSwitch Power supply(25V) BoardGrounding LeadGrounding LeadGrounding LeadF-G Net BoardMotor BoardThe Motor Board is fixed withholder by hook.