- 39 -A ABBDDDDCCCCTemperature switchSW90410-3 Fan(FN915), Ducts, and Temperature switches removal.1. Remove 2 screws-A and remove the Fan(FN915).2. Remove 2 screws-B and remove the Duct PBS.3. Remove 4 screws-C and remove the Ducts.4. Remove 4 screws-D, remove the 4 temperature switches (SW903,SW904,SW905,SW906) and 4 sheets.Mechanical disassembliesBBA ABCCC10-4 Holders removal.Note;Mark the temperature switches as they areremoved from the optical base so that they maybe reassembled in the same location from whichthey were removed.1. Remove 2 screws-A, remove 3 screws-B and remove the Holder-A.2. Remove 3 screws-C and remove the Holder-B.Temperature switchSW903Temperature switchSW905Temperature switchSW906SheetDuct PBSFN915Holder-AHolder-BDuctDuct