- 62 -- 62 -IC801CPUR/CFANFANASS'YPOWERUNIT_SUB POWERNOISEFILTERACSENSORACINPUTBALLAST1/2/3/4P.F.C.1/2/3/4LAMP_1/2/3/4Z8P & THTEMP. SENSORIC2541TEMP. SENSORIC5801TEMP. SENSORIC886PRESSURE SENSORINDICATORSFANCONTROLFANCONTROLRESET KEYSW902LAMP COVER SWDACONVERTER SW903/904/905/906THERMAL SWMAINSSWFUSESWITCHINGPOWERSUPPLYPRIMARY CIRCUITPF_FANSPOWERFAILPOWERFAIL12VA12VPF_THLAMP1/2/3/4PF_PFC1/2/3/4PWR_SWBLAST_SW1/2/3/4IICIC5851IO IC1881Check that PFC cir-cuit on/off signalsare correct.Check that the Lampballast on/off signalsare correct.Check the tempera-ture switches.Occasionally, CPU may malfunc-tion and need to be reset.ANALOG RGBGVIDEO/YB RPb/Cb Pr/CrH/HV V S-VIDEODIGITAL(DVI-I)INPUT 1R/C JACK USBRESETINPUT 2INPUT 3INPUT 4SERIAL PORT INSERIAL PORT OUTHAND OPERATED RESET forCPU SW3801Power on/offFan on/offPFC on/offBallast on/offPower swOFFPower swONCooling time after power off.400~600ms(Stability period of PFC.)Timing chartIs fuse (F901) blown?Fuse may be openedwhen either LAMP indi-cator or READY indicatordoes not light. Checkthe fuse.For safety, replace it witha new fuse of the sametypeIs the lamp cover attached cor-rectly?When the lamp cover is removed orattached not correctly, the projectorcannot be turned on.Check the lamp cover and the lampcover switch (SW902).SW902--open: AbnormalityAre the LAMP indicator(red) and READY indica-tor (green) light?If the LAMP and READYindicators are not light,check the primary circuitand S5V of standby powersupply circuit.Check that Vccvoltages are correct.Check that IICBus signals arecorrect.AC INPUT VOLTAGE is over 108V?AC SENSOR is provided to prevent damage tothe power supply circuits.When AC input voltage is under 108V atMAINS SW ON, the AC SENOR will be operatedand CPU does not turn the projector on, andREADY indicator flashes.Check that the AC sensor signal is correct.L : Abnormality● No PowerTroubleshootingCheck 12Vfor PFC.Check that POWER FAILsignals are correct.L : AbnormalityCheck that POWER ON/OFFsignal is correct.L : Abnormality