PLC-XU116 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications20/728.4.8 CF_COLTEMP CommandCommand “CF_COLTEMP_%1”[CR]%1“000” ------ Xlow“001” ------ Low“002” ------ Mid“003” ------ HighDetailsSet Color Temperature. (Available only in the normal Power ON status)The value set by this command will not be saved to the projector. Therefore, whenturning into Stanby status or ALL is OFF, the value returns to original setting. (Thevalue is held in Suspend mode.)This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.4.9 CF_PROGV CommandCommand “CF_PROGV_%1”[CR]%1“FILM” -------- Select Progressive Mode FILM“L1” ----------- Select Progressive Mode L1“L2” ----------- Select Progressive Mode L2“OFF” --------- Cancel Progressive scan“UP” -----------Switch Progressive mode forwardOFF → L1 → L2 → FILM → OFF“DN” -----------Switch Progressive mode backwardOFF → FILM → L2 → L1 → OFFDetailsSet / cancel Progressive scanThe value set by this command will not be saved to projector. Therefore, whenturning into Stanby status or ALL is OFF, the value returns to original setting. (Thevalue is held in Suspend mode.)This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.4.10 CF_NZRED CommandCommand “CF_NZRED_%1”[CR]%1“OFF” ------- Cancel Noise Reduction“L1” --------- Noise Reduction for moving image“L2” --------- Noise Reduction for still image“UP” -----------Switch Progressive mode forwardOFF → L1 → L2 → FILM → OFF“DN” -----------Switch Progressive mode backwardOFF → FILM → L2 → L1 → OFFDetailsNoise Reduction based on frame correlationSelect L1 or L2 depending on motion detectionL2 is more effective in reducing noise than L1, however, L2 can have a blur inmoving imageThe value set by this command will not be saved to projector. Therefore, whenturning into Stanby status or ALL is OFF, the value returns to original setting. (Thevalue is held in Suspend mode.)This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]