PLC-XU116 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications22/728.5 PC Adjust Control Command8.5.1 CF_FSYNC CommandCommand “CF_FSYNC_%1”[CR]%1“0000~0031” --------------- Directly select Fine Sync setting value“UP” -------------------------- Current Fine Sync setting value + 1“DN” -------------------------- Current Fine Sync setting value - 1DetailsSet Fine Sync value of PC signalThe value set by this command will not be saved to projector. Therefore, whenturning into Stanby status or ALL is OFF, the value returns to original setting.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “101”[CR] --- when Input for Video is selected8.5.2 CF_TDOTS CommandCommand “CF_TDOTS_%1”[CR]%1“mmmm~nnnn” --- Directly select Total Dots setting value“mmmm” shows minimum value, it is current Display Dots value +HorizontalPosition value.“nnnn” shows maximum value, which is not over 140MHz.“UP” -------------- Current Total Dots setting value + 1“DN” -------------- Current Total Dots setting value - 1DetailsSet Total Dots of PC signalThe value set by this command will not be saved to projector. Therefore, whenturning into Stanby status or ALL is OFF, the value returns to original setting.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “101”[CR] ---- when Input for Video is selected8.5.3 CF_CLAMP CommandCommand “CF_CLAMP_%1”[CR]%1“mmmm~nnnn” ---- Directly select Clamp setting value“mmmm” shows minimum value, fixed-value “0001”.“nnnn” shows maximum value: it depends on input signal.“UP” ------------------ Current Clamp setting value + 1“DN” ------------------ Current Clamp setting value – 1DetailsSet Clamp value of PC signalThe value set by this command will not be saved to projector. Therefore, whenturning into Stanby status or ALL is OFF, the value returns to original setting.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “101”[CR] ---- when Input for Video is selected