PLC-XU116 Expand Serial Command Functional Specifications39/728.10.8 CF_DISP CommandCommand “CF_DISP_%1”[CR]%1“ON” ----------------------------- Select Display“OFF” --------------------------- Cancel Display“CNTDWNOFF” -------------- Count down OFF“UP” --------------- Switch Display mode forward(On → Count down OFF → Off → On → )“DN” --------------- Switch Display mode backward(On → Off → Count down OFF → On → )DetailsSet / Cancel DisplayThe value set by this command is stored in EEPROM and its setting is effectiveeven after ALL is OFF.This command is available in normal Power ON status.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]8.10.9 CF_LOGO CommandCommand “CF_LOGO_%1_%2”[CR]%1 “0000”-”9999” ----------------- Set LOGO PIN CODE directly%2“OFF” ---------------------------- Disable Logo function“DFLT” --------------------------- Display Default Logo“USER” -------------------------- Display Captured Logo“UP” --------------- Switch Logo setting forward(OFF → DFLT → User → OFF → )“DN” --------------- Switch Logo setting backward(OFF → User → DFLT → OFF → )DetailsSet / Cancel LogoThe value set by this command is stored in EEPROM and its setting is effectiveeven after ALL is OFFThis command is available in normal Power ON status.%1--- Set LOGO PIN CODE- When LOGO LOCK is in operationPIN CODE is correct ------------------ Command is valid (Acceptable)PIN CODE is incorrect ---------------- Command is invalid (Error Code “102”)PIN CODE is out of %1 range ------ Command is invalid (Error Code “? “)-When LOGO LOCK is not in operationPIN CODE is within %1 range ------ Command is validPIN CODE is out of %1 range ------ Command is invalid (Error Code “? “)Note) Receiving correct LOGO PIN CODE while LOGO LOCK is in operationenables to change LOGO setting, but it does not release LOGO LOCK. (LOGOLOCK continues.)Projector returns Error Code “101” by receiving USER in %2 when capture hasnot operated.Response Acceptable “000”[CR]Unacceptable “Error Code”[CR]