– 3 –Fig. 1-1.Optical Black Location (Top View)Pin No. Symbol Pin Description Waveform VoltageTable 1-1. CCD Pin Description When sensor read-outFig. 1-2. CCD Block Diagram1. OUTLINE OF CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION1-1. CCD CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION1. IC ConfigurationThe CCD peripheral circuit block basically consists of the fol-lowing ICs.IC903 (MN39830PMJ-A) CCD imagerIC901 (AN20112A) V driverIC905 (AD9971BCPZRL) CDS, AGC, A/D converter,H driver vertical TG2. IC903 (CCD)[Structure]1/2.5 inch positive pixel-type color frame-reading fixed pic-ture elementsOptical size 1/2.5 type formatEffective pixels 2864 (H) X 2160 (V)Pixels in total 2934 (H) X 2171 (V)Optical blackHorizontal (H) direction: Front 12 pixels, Rear 58 pixelsVertical (V) direction: Front 6 pixels, Rear 5 pixelsDummy bit number Horizontal : 28 Vertical :71, 23, 244, 7, 8, 9, 115, 6, 1014V1, V3A, V3BV1S, V2, V3R,V3L, V4Vertical shift register clock pulseVertical shift register clock pulseCCD output-6.0 V, 0 V, 12 VAprox. 10 VVertical shift register clock pulseVOV5R, V5L, V6-6.0 V, 0 V-6.0 V, 0 VGNDReset pulseGNDPower DC 12 VGND 0 V12.5 V, 16 VØRG131612, 15VDDDCProtection P well -6.0 VPT DCØH1, ØH2 Horizontal shift register clock pulseSubstrate clock DCØVSUB0 V, 3.0 V171921, 22ØHL Horizontal shift register clock pulse 0 V, 3.3 V202, 3 V5A, V5B Vertical shift register clock pulseSubstrate controlSUB SW18 0, 3.3 V (When importing allpicture element: 3.5 V)-6.0 V, 0 V, 12 VAprox. 8 V(Different from every CCD)Pin 1565812 HVPin 1321 2216 20øRGøHLøH1øH213VDD14VO15GND87øV3L123456øV3AøV3BøV4øV5AøV5BøV69øV210øV111øV1SøV3R12 GND23øV5R24øV5L17 PT18 SUBSW19øVsubPhoto diodeOutput partVertical shift registerHorizontal shift register