– 9 –See next page →1-5. SYA CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION1. Configuration and FunctionsFor the overall configuration of the SYA block, refer to the block diagram. The SYA block centers around a 8-bit microprocessor(IC301), and controls camera system condition (mode).The 8-bit microprocessor handles the following functions.1. Operation key input, 2. Clock control and backup, 3. Power ON/OFF, 4. Storobe charge controlPin Signal1234567891112131415161718192024262728293536373839404142SCKCARDBACKUP_CTLCHG_DONEHOT LINETEST_MODENOT USEDNOT USEDVDD2VF_LED (R)VF_LED (G)NAND RESETNOT USEDBL ONLENS_4MMAIN RESETNOT USEDTXDMR_PANEL_OPENTRSTST_CHGBOOT_COMREQKEY_PLAYSW3.2 ONKEY_VRECVSS3VDD3RDSELCLK (SFW)DATA0 (SFW)P ONI/OOIOIIIOO-OOOOOOOOOIOOIIOI--I/OI/OI/OOOutlineSerial data clock outputSD card detection (L= SD card)Backup battery charge control (L= charge)Strobo condensor charge done detection (H → L= charge done)Hot line request from ASICTest mode terminal (L= starting up test mode)-VDDRed LED (H= lighting)Green LED (H= lighting)OneNAND flash reset (L= reset)-LCD backlight ON/OFF single (H= backlight ON)Lens driver IC standard clock outputSystem reset (MRST)-UART sending (combine with debugger terminal)JTAG reset (L= reset)Strobo charge control (H= charge)Command request input (combine with BOOT output)Key input PLAY (L= input)SW 3.2 power ON/OFF signal (L= ON)Keyscan VREC (L= input)GNDVDDDebugger terminalDebugger terminalDebugger terminalD/D converter ON/OFF signal (H= ON)LCD panel open/close detection (H= panel open)10 VSS2 - GND21 USB_DET I USB connection detection (L= connection)22 NOT USED O -23-25KEY_1st I Key input 1st SHUTTER (L= input)30KEY_UP/TELE I Key input UP/TELE (L= input)31KEY_DOWN/WIDE I Key input DOWN/WIDE (L= input)32KEY_LEFT I Key input LEFT (L= input)33KEY_RIGHT I Keyscan RIGHT (L= input)34KEY_SET I Key input SET (L= input)NOT USED O -NOT USED O -