70Activate Find Remote• If your TV has a joystick-style control, press to the Left or Right to open theInputs menu, and then press Right to scroll down to Find Remote.• If your TV has a column of labeled panel buttons, press the INPUT button toopen the Inputs menu, and then press the INPUT button again until you highlightFind Remote.A moment or two after highlighting Find Remote, the Roku Enhanced Voice Remotestarts playing your selected Find Remote sound to let you know where it is hiding.The sound automatically stops after a minute, or after you find the remote and pressany button.Changing and previewing the Enhanced Voice Remote findersoundOnly on TVs with the Roku Enhanced Voice Remote, you can customize the soundyour remote makes when you use the Find Remote feature. To customize the sound,navigate to Settings > Remote > Change remote finder sound. Select the sound you wantto use from the available settings.To preview the sound you have chosen, select Preview remote finder sound, and thenhold down OK on the remote to play the sound. When you release the OK button, thesound will stop.