- 14 -EO1-11115MA-186-100 SERIESMonth-Day-Year orderMonth Day YearNOTE: The date set/print order is Month-Day-Year. If you want to change the order intoDay-Month-Year or Year-Month-Day, see Chapter “16. System Option Setting”,Address 16 - Bits 7 and 8 on page 81.Examples) To set 28 May, 1997:Month(01 to 12)Day(01 to 31)Declaration of Program No. 6for Date Setting○ ○ ○Issues areceipt.Year(97, 98, etc.)ZOFFXREGSETDay-Month-Year orderDay Month YearYear-Month-Day orderYear Month DayReceipt Print Format:Date Setting or AdjustmentThe register has a calendar function. Once the date and time are correctly set, the day automaticallyadvances at midnight even when the power is turned off. The extra day of a leap year is also computedautomatically.Condition: Any time outside a sale; refer to “NOTE on Condition” on page 15.Setting Procedure:Use the MA Key to turn the Control Lock to “SET”.→ → → →8250@/FOR AT/TL6795082 795079 82Program No. for Date SettingDate now set(28 May, 1997 in this example)Date(before this date setting)Receipt Consecutive No.Current TimeThank youCall again04.- 15.- 9 70.6 H05.- 28.- 9 70 00.90 8 - 5 0