- 42 -EO1-11115MA-186-100 SERIESThank youCall again05.- 28.- 9 70.4 H00.5 0 4H1.0 0 @01.0 0 2H2.0 0 @01.1 0 1H 1 23.0 0 @20.0 0 3H 10.0 0 @05.0 0 5H0.5 0 @10.0 0 9H3.0 0 @15.0 0 9@00.70 00.61 3 - 1 4PLU CodeLinkDepartmentNo.Preset PriceBlank for Pre-set Price indi-cates that it isan Open-pricePLU.Totalnumber ofPLUs setin memoryPL PL PL PL PL PL PL( )54 @/FOR00 011112AT/TLPLUPLUPLUPLU05 00501 PLUPLUPLU000 003000AMTDept. 3Dept. 1Dept. 2Dept. 40050Dept. 9Dept. 9Dept. 50112321ZOFFXREGSET→Declaration is the same as PLUProgramming on the precedingpage.Repeat for other PLUs to be deleted, if any.AT/TLPLU@/FOR4ITEMCORRPLU Code of the PLU to be deletedPLU Table Program Receipt Format:Key OperationControl Lock: SETPLU Code Preset PriceDeleting Individual PLUs:When any of the PLUs once programmed are not handled any more in the store, they can be deleted.Condition: When the required PLU sales total memory is zero (i.e., when no sales are made or after aPLU Reset Report is taken to reset the sales data of the PLU into zero)Programming Procedure:→ →→ → →