- 53 -EO1-11115MA-186-100 SERIESSymbol for SubtotalH 22.9 1STSubtotal Amount←←ST (Subtotal Key)ZOFFXREGSETST ..........ZOFFXREGSETTXBLTL (Taxable Total Key)TXBLTLSubtotal ReadWhen the sale total of the current sale is to be read by the customer’s request or the operator’s requirement,the [ST] key is used.Sale Item →EntriesThe sale total of the items so far entered is dis-played in the AMOUNT portion with the “ST” trian-gular lamp illuminated. At the same time, the saletotal is printed. The sale is not finalized yet.NOTES: 1. When the [ST] key is depressed, the sale total is displayed and printed. However, you can selectnot to print (display only) by a system option. (Refer to Chapter “16. System Option Setting”,Address 1 - Bit 3 on page 71.)Even if this non-print option is selected, the subtotal amount is automatically printed when aPercent Charge/Discount or Dollar Discount entry follows a subtotal entry.2. The displayed subtotal amount includes the taxes due (Tax 1, Tax 2, & GST) while the printedsubtotal amount is the pre-taxed amount (amount not including taxes due). As for the displayedamount, you can select to display the pre-taxed amount by a system option. (Refer to Chapter “16.System Option Setting”, Address 15 - Bit 4 on page 80.) This option is recommended only whenboth [ST] and [TXBL TL] (Taxable Total) keys are installed. In that case, [ST] displays pre-taxedamount while [TXBL TL] displays post-taxed amount (amount including taxes due).3. If the option “Taxable Total Compulsory” is selected with the function of subtotal display includingtaxes due (refer to NOTE 2 above), the [ST] key must always be depressed before operating mediakeys for finalizing a sale. (Refer to Chapter “16. System Option Setting”, Address 2 - Bit 4 onpage 72.)4. When the [ST] key is depressed more than once consecutively, the subtotal amount is onlydisplayed but no print occurs from the second time on. If the [C] key is operated to clear a numericentry or error, etc. after a subtotal is once obtained, the subtotal amount is again displayed.Taxable Total ReadThis key is used only to display the Taxable Total (sale total including taxes) during a sale. The key is usuallynot necessary since the [ST] key contains this function. If it is installed, however, it is recommended toprogram the [ST] key to display the pre-taxed amount (for distinguishing it from the [TXBL TL] keyfunction).Refer to NOTE 2 attached to the section of “Subtotal Read” above.Sale Item → ............. The sale total of the items so far entered isEntries displayed in the AMOUNT portion with the“ST” triangular lamp illuminated. The saletotal amount displayed includes taxes due(Tax 1, Tax 2 & GST). No print occurs. Thesale is not finalized yet.NOTES: 1. If the option “Taxable Total Compulsory” is selected, the [TXBL TL] key must always be depressedbefore operating media keys for finalizing a sale. (Refer to Chapter “16. System Option Setting”,Address 2 - Bit 4 on page 72.)2. If the [C] key is operated to clear a numeric entry or error, etc. after a Taxable Total is once obtained,the Taxable Total amount is again displayed.