- 29 -EO1-11115MA-186-100 SERIESNo-sale (Exchange)The No-sale transaction is used to open the drawer without relating to a sale, for such purposes of givingchanges (to break a large-amount bill), checking the receipt/journal print condition, date or time accuracy,etc. This operation must be performed outside a sale only.NSThank youCall again05.- 28.- 9 7H0 10.20 9 - 1 0NS←←←←DateNo-sale SymbolReceipt Consecutive No.Time← Store Name StampNS (No-sale Key) #/NS (Non-add Number Print/No-sale Key)............................. The drawer opens.(or )NOTES: 1. Usually, Non-add Number entries are prohibited at the starting of a No-sale transaction (i.e. Non-add Numbers cannot be printed on a No-sale receipt). However, a No-sale entry can beprogrammed to be allowable after a Non-add Number entry. (Refer to Chapter “16. SystemOption Setting”, Address 15-Bit 1 on page 80.)2. The [#/NS] key operates and functions the same. When this key is depressed with a prior numberentry, it functions as the Non-add Number Print key. (Refer to the section of Non-add NumberPrint on page 52.)ZOFFXREGSET#/NSNOTE: When data is already entered and printed (through a Department Key, etc.), it cannot be cleared bythe [C] key any longer. In need of deleting such data, see the following:Item Correction (Last Line Voiding) page 49Void (Designated Line Voiding) page 50All Void (Transaction Line Voiding) page 51Furthermore, for details to clear various troubles and errors, refer to Chapter “22. Troubleshooting” onpage 100.ALLVOIDITEMCORRVOID