7-4 User GuideNotificationsNetworkingNotificationsAutomatic notifications of printer unavailability during printing can be sent in the followingways:IP FilteringThe purpose of IP filtering is to limit access to the printer to only those Host computers thathave IP addresses within IP ranges predefined on the configuration page. The IP configurationpage, accessible from the EWS (when logged in as administrator), has enable and disableparameters. When IP filtering is disabled, all network traffic is allowed.When IP filtering is enabled and incoming data is from an address that falls within thepredefined range, it is allowed to print, if the “Printing” or “Config” checkboxes are checked. Ifthe incoming data does not fall into a predefined range, it is rejected.In cases where IP ranges overlap but have different permissions (for example, one to print onlyand another to print and configure), permissions for the overlapping addresses are determinedby IP Filter priority. Higher priority overrides lower priority permissions. If an administrator IPaddress is entered, it takes highest priority over any configured IP range.NOTE: Leaving IP ranges disables IP Filtering. The address is not allowed.SNMP monitoringE-mail configured via the EWSStatus Monitor Utility.