TASCAM HS-2000 314 – Basic operationCreating a project automatically afterquick formattingIf you press the QUICK & Create Project buttoninstead of the QUICK button next to the FORMAT item,a new project will be created after the CF card is quick-formatted.When doing this, however, you cannot change the projectsettings. The new project will be created with the samesettings as the current project.1. Press the MENU key on the front panel to open theMENU screen. Then, touch the MEDIA MANAGEbutton on the MENU screen to open the MEDIAMANAGE screen.2. Touch the QUICK & Create Project buttonnext to the FORMAT item. The following pop-upmessage appears.This window shows the project name, session name,sampling frequency, bit rate and frame type in theproject to be created.3. Touch the OK button in the pop-up window.Another pop-up window appears to reconfirm.4. Touch the OK button in the pop-up window to startquick formatting.After quick formatting completes, a new project iscreated automatically.After the project is created, the Home Screenreappears.NOTETouch the CANCEL button in the pop-up window tocancel formatting and return to the MEDIA MANAGEscreen.Creating a new project1. Press the PROJECT key on the front panel to open thePROJECT screen.2. Touch the CREATE PROJECT button to open theCREATE PROJECT screen.The CREATE PROJECT screen has 3 pages.On the first page, you can change the project name,the name of the first created session, the samplingfrequency, and the sampling frequency written to BWFchunks.For details about each item, see “Creating newprojects” on page 38.3. Touch the NEXT button to open the next page.On this page, you can change the frame type and bitlength.NOTEInstead of touching the NEXT button, you can touch theCREATE PROJECT button on CREATE PROJECTscreen page one (1/3 at the bottom of the page) to createa project with the current settings without adjustingthem on the following screens. Touching the CREATEPROJECT button on CREATE PROJECT page two(2/3) has the same effect. In either case, continue theprocedures from step 6.4. Touch the NEXT button again to open the third page [3/3]where you can set the starting time in timeline mode, forexample.For details about each item on CREATE PROJECTscreens 1–3, see “Creating new projects” on page 38.