Fourth Edition • Fourth Printing Operator's ManualIntroductionPart No. 214834 GTH-1056 1IntroductionAbout this manualGenie appreciates your choice of our machine foryour application. Our number one priority is usersafety, which is best achieved by our joint efforts.This book is an operation and daily maintenancemanual for the user or operator of a Geniemachine.This manual should be considered a permanentpart of your machine and should remain with themachine at all times. If you have any questions,contact Genie.Product IndentificationThe machine serial number is located on the seriallabel.Intended UseA variable reach rough terrain forklift truck isdefined as a wheeled type truck with a pivotingboom, which may be equipped with variousattachments for picking, transporting and placingloads with the established load range charts.Bulletin Distribution andComplianceSafety of product users is of paramountimportance to Genie. Various bulletins are used byGenie to communicate important safety andproduct information to dealers and machineowners.The information contained in the bulletins is tied tospecific machines using the machine model andserial number.Distribution of bulletins is based on the mostcurrent owner on record along with theirassociated dealer, so it is important to register yourmachine and keep your contact information up todate.To ensure safety of personnel and the reliablecontinued operation of your machine, be sure tocomply with the action indicated in a respectivebulletin.