Fourth Edition • Fourth Printing Operator's ManualAttachmentsPart No. 214834 GTH-1056 53Keep bystanders away while operating.Do not place boom or platform against anystructure to steady the platform or to support thestructure.Do not use the controls to free a platform that iscaught, snagged or otherwise prevented fromnormal motion by an adjacent structure. Allpersonnel must be removed from the platformbefore attempting to free the platform using thecontrols.Check the work area foroverhead obstructions orother possible hazards.Be certain that the path of platform travel is clear ofhazards, such as storage racks, scaffolds,overhead obstructions, and electrical wires.Do not allow personnel or bystanders to tamperwith or operate the machine from the cab whenoccupants are in the platform except in anemergency or when directed by the occupants.Always lift and lower personnel smoothly and withcaution, and only at their request.Operating InstructionsPreparation and SetupRead, understand and obey all jobsite, local, state,federal and provincial rules, standards andregulations as they pertain to the use of atelehandler mounted personnel work platform (Inthe USA and Canada, reference ANSI/ITSDFB56.6 and CSA B335).If the personnel work platform is equipped withsafety instructions, make sure a copy is placed inthe cab as well as in the work platform, if it isequipped with a manual holder.Cordon off the area to warn of work by elevatedpersonnel. Keep the area under the platform freeof personnel.Be sure the telehandler is on a firm level surfacecapable of supporting all forces imposed by themachine.Without personnel in the platform, perform asimulated lift with the designated signal person onthe ground as a spotter, to assure adequatetelehandler range and attachment clearances andthat the telehandler lifting mechanism is operatingsmoothly.