4 - 130 S-100 • S-105 • S-120 • S-125 Part No. 102916January 2016Section 4 • Repair ProceduresHow to Remove the TurntableRotation Drive Hub1 Secure the turntable from rotating with theturntable rotation lock pin.2 Remove the turntable rotation motor. See Howto Remove the Turntable Rotation HydraulicMotor.3 Remove the brake from the drive hub and set itoff to the side.a motorb motor/brake mounting boltsc braked drive hub mounting boltse drive hub4 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane orother suitable lifting device to the drive hub.5 Remove the drive hub mounting bolts andremove the drive hub from the machine.Tip-over hazard. If the turntablerotation lock pin is not properlyinstalled, machine stability iscompromised and the machinecould tip over when the drive hubis removed from the machine,which could result in death orserious injury.Crushing hazard. The drive hubmay become unbalanced andfall if it is not properly supportedby the overhead crane or liftingdevice.6 Remove the plug from the side of the drive hub.Drain the oil from the hub.Installing the Drive Hub:7 Install the drive hub. Use blue thread lockingseal on all bolts. Torque the drive hub mountingbolts to 280 ft-lbs / 380 Nm.8 Install the brake onto the drive hub and torquethe mounting fasteners to 20 ft-lbs / 27 Nm.9 Install the motor onto the brake and torque themounting fasteners to 93 ft-lbs / 126 Nm.9 Fill the drive hub with oil from the side holeuntil the oil level is even with the bottom of thehole. Apply pipe thread sealant to the plugsand install the plugs. Refer to Specifications,Specifications.10 Adjust turntable rotation gear backlash.unlocked lockedbacdeTURNTABLE ROTATION COMPONENTS